Drills by Technique
There are seven techniques in these drills that describe skills specifically needed to develop basketball players. Once coaches and players identify where their strongest and weakest skills are, they can find the drills that are most needed in order to elevate their game.
Players that work on specific techniques in practice will be better able to confidently deploy those techniques in games when the pressure is on.

Shooting Drills
You can't score if you don't shoot. Even a slight increase in your shot percentage can mean significantly more points scored throughout a game. Working on shooting is a primary way to increase your of... View Drills »

Passing Drills
The best way to move the ball around the court is through precision passing. Moving the ball through the teamwork of passing is almost always superior to moving the ball individually through dribbling... View Drills »

Dribbling Drills
Making a move around a defender and taking the ball successfully to the rim for a layup is one of the most satisfying feelings in the game of basketball. From pushing the ball up court during a fast b... View Drills »

Defending Drills
All the attention in basketball goes to shooting threes, but the glory of basketball goes to the team that wins. Winning basketball teams are built on the defensive end of the court. Stopping the othe... View Drills »

Rebounding Drills
Grabbing more rebounds is the single best way to improve the number of possessions your team has while decreasing the number of possessions the other team has. Every single time your team gets an offe... View Drills »

Picking Drills
Basketball is a team game. One of the best ways to get your teammates open is to set picks for them to make it harder for the defense to guard them. Not only can you set picks for the ball handler, bu... View Drills »

Footwork Drills
Getting in the right position on the court can mean the difference between getting two points or getting no points at all. Footwork drills teach your players to move their feet in a more efficient and... View Drills »